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The St. Pat Hall of Fame

During 2025, we will dedicate a Hall of Fame listing those who’ve helped St Pat become Detroit’s largest health and wellness center for people 55 and older – starting at the beginning and through today. Appearing below are the names that have been submitted so far, but there are many more, perhaps hundreds, still to come.

Please review the list, and if you believe a name should be added please do so by emailing the name to StPatEvents@gmail.com 

The Hall of Fame So Far…

All of the Watson and Dwyer Families

Ancient Order of Hibernians

Curtis Anderson

Brian and Karen Battersby

Brendan and Marian Battersby

Chris and Helen Battersby

Chris and Lisa Battersby

Ed and Ann Thomas Battersby

Bishop Gerald Battersby

Mike and Trish Battersby

Megan Battersby

Patricia Battersby and Stephen Witenoff

Suzanne Battersby

Tony Black

Brian and Una Bonner

Vince Borowski

Jackie Brennan

Chris Buryta 

Butler School of Irish Dancers

The Capuchins

Jim Carey

Casgrain Hall

George and Sharon Cole

John Cosgrove

Thomas and Carol Cracchiolo

John Cardinal Dearden

Dublin Inn

Fr Thomas Duffey

Dunleavy’s  Pubs

Brian Dunleavy

The Emerald Isle

Fran and Pat Dorn 

Lucille and Jack Dwyer

The Entire Dwyer Family

Fraternal Order of United Irishmen FOUI Chowder Society

Charlie French

Friendly Sons of St. Patrick 

Gaelic League/ Irish American Club

Mick Gavin 

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton

Bill and Sharon Gunkelman

Mike Hume 

Sally Hunter 

The Hurling Green

Pat Johnson

John Kelly

Mike Kelly

Frank Kennedy 

Rita Kramer

Clare Kummer

Doug Kurtis

Larry Larson

League of Catholic Women

Limerick Pub

Adam Cardinal Maida

Patti Mallon

Gary Marchetti

Mangan’s Irish Hut

Art Martin

Tony Marketi

Pat McDunn

Shirley and Frank McDonald

Eddie McGlinchy

Brian McGowan

Dennis McKnight

Gail and Richard McKnight

John McKnight Sr

John McKnight Jr

Pat McKnight

Don Mulrenin

George and Patsy McMahon

Jim and Bev Murphy

Kevin Murphy

Chris Murray

Ed Neubacher

Tommy and Joan O’Halloran

Old Village Inn

The Old Shillelagh

Ann O’Neill

Kathy O’Neill Bojarzin

Kathleen Dewan O’Neil

Joe Parsky

Dennis Penars

Jim Perkins

Teri and Joe Racey

Cara and Andrea Racey

Mary Anne Quinn

 Plummer School of Irish Dancers

Roger Redmond

Janet and Robert Regan

Bridget and Frank Scartosi

Dan Sheehey

Mike Stypula

Big Jim Sullivan

Charlie Taylor

Tipperary Pub 

Sister Mary Watson

The Entire Watson Family

Sydney Weinstein

Kevin Witenoff and Katherine Johnson Witenoff

Joe and MAry Zainea

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